Saturday, September 7, 2024

Just Be You! 🤪

Har vært mye syk i sommer (5 uker med influensa virus og hoste..) og har nesten ikke vært innom scrapperommet .. men dette motivet var en liten energibombe i seg selv! 🤪
Kortet er mitt inspirasjons bidrag for Creative Fingers utfordring #284. Vår DT Angelique er sponsor denne gang, med 'Lovis Designs' og et flott digitalt kort kit som premie! Som alltid har vi et 'Lag-hva-du-vil' tema. Velkommen skal du være!

I been much sick during summer and almost not set foot inside the craft room ... as i had a tough time with the influenza virus for more than 5 weeks. Still coughing! But this motif was an energybooster to make a card, such a cute and quirky girl! 🤪
My card is DT inspiration
for this fortnights challenge #284. at Creative Fingers. Our DT Angelique is sponsoring as 'Lovis Designs' (under developement) with a gorgeous digital card kit as a prize! As always it is an 'Anything goes theme', and you are more than welcome to join with your creations 💗


I enter my card in theese fab Challenges:
[Ends on]
As You Like it ~ To Layer or Not? (and why)! [Sept.20th.]
My fave is layers ~ simply because i am so bad at clean and simple! i can never make it look good, so layer on those layers! 😂
Creative Inspirations #18. ~ AG
Creative Knockouts #529. ~ AG [Sept.11th.]
Ellibelle's Crafty Wednesday ~ September: AG [Sept.25th.]
Word Art Wednesdays #Wk.663-664. ~ AG

inside detail

Stamps/Images: Lovis Designs 'LD-TY-001' digital card kit.
Papers: I printed my motifs on Crafters Companion 'Neenah classic crest' cardstock. Bazzill cardstock. Plain white cardstock. Creotime 'cream' A6 cardblanks.
Embellishments: ...
My distress tools from Ranger Ink is always in use ~ Tim Holtz® Mini Ink Round Blending Tool & the Inkssentials Ink Blending Tool and Foams. EK Success® Whale Of A Punch 'Large Circle 1.75'.
Stencils/Embossingfolders: Gummiapan 'Stencil no9'.
Dies: Lawn Fawn 'Quilted Backdrop Cuts LF1625' and 'Stitched Windy Backdrop Cuts Dies LF1425'.
Essentials/Adhesives: Bonefolder.
High-Tack adhesive tape Sookwang Scor-Pal tape &/or Red tape.
Techniques/Mediums: I used misc. Tim Holtz Distress Ink pads through a stencil. And the gold paper is actually a piece of scrap paper i rubbed Viva Decor gold wax on.


  1. Så herlig kort, til å bli i veldig godt humør av dette.

  2. This is so cute! Thanks so much for sharing at my Crafty Wednesday challenge!

  3. Thank you for joining in our challenge this month with your wonderful project!
    DT – Val, Nan, Leigh, Cat

  4. Oh, how cute! Love that darling image on your fabulous card. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Word Art Wednesday. I hope that you'll join us again soon. I really appreciate having you share with us.

  5. Love that fun image, she is so cute. Thank you for joining in at As You Like It. Lynne DT

  6. A super cute layered card. Perfect for us at AYLI. Sarah


Many thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment, I so appreciate it and reading them is always a joy! ♥ Tindaloo aka. Hilde Larsen

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