Friday, August 9, 2024

Nordic Christmas card ⛄

En stund siden sist det var aktivitet her i bloggen ~ har hatt litt mye å stri med de siste månedene ... familie, min egen og andres dårlige helse, og datatrøbbel... Prokrastinert å kjøpe ny laptop.. Den jeg ville ha ble plutselig borte fra markedet, og da den kom tilbake hadde den nye spesifikasjoner. Måtte lete på nytt etter 'drømme-laptopen' 🤔
Muligens funnet den, regner med å bli litt mere produktiv når jeg har kjøpt den, for ikke å snakke om ny kreativitet! Å tegne med blyant har vært for vondt for mine dårlige hender, så jeg håper å kunne bruke laptopen som digitalt tegnebrett og lage digistempler igjen!

Snømann motivet på kortet mitt er lagd av meg, og er et digistempel jeg selv har tegnet, malt med akvarellfarger og så scannet, så det kan printes ut som clipart! 'Doodle Snowman with a heart PRE-COLORED'.

Julekortet er mitt DT bidrag hos Creative Fingers #283., der jeg er sponsor denne gang! Som alltid har vi et 'Lag-hva-du-vil' tema, og velkommen skal du være 💗

It's been a while since it last was activity here on the blog ~ i have had a lot to deal with theese past months ... family, my own and others bad health, computer troubles ... Procrastinating buying a new laptop.. The one i wanted suddenly dissappeared from the market, and when it returned it came with new specifications i didn't like. A new search for my 'dream-laptop' then. 🤔
Possibly found it, and i hope i will be more productive when i finally buy it, and to get a creative boost as well! A digital drawing surface will enable me to make more digistamps out of my doodles ~ my hands has been too achy to grip a ledpencil for a very long time.

The snowman motif on my card i have drawn myself, and made into a digital stamp. But i also scanned the watercolored image, so that it can be printed out again and again as clipart! 'Doodle snowman with a heart PRE-COLORED'
Wich is what i used to make my card for this fortnights challenge #283. at Creative Fingers ~ of wich I am also sponsoring!
As always it is an 'Anything goes theme', and you are more than welcome to join with your creations ~ challenge is running for four weeks during our summer schedule. 💗

I enter my ⛄ card in theese fab Challenges: [Ends on]
Peace on Earth Christmas #69. ~ Christmas themed AG [Aug.15th.]
Dream Valley #319. ~ Christmas in July
A Cut Above ~ August: AG [Aug.28th.]
the Holly & Ivy Christmas #166. ~ AG Christmas JFF[Aug.12th.]
Ellibelle's Crafty Wednesday ~ Aug.: AG [Aug.28th.]
Digi Choosday #wk.31. ~ Anything Goes! [Aug.19th.]
● Lil Patch of Crafty Friends #235. ~ AG [Aug.17th.]
{PIN}spirational #316. ~ August: Diecuts

inside detail
I made a pocket for a gift card or money.

Stamps/Images: Digi Doodle Stamps by Tindaloo (or Tindaloo Digi Doodle Stamps) 'Doodle Snowman with a heart - PRE-COLORED'.
Papers: I used Neenah Solar white cardstock for my motif. Bazzill cardstock. Creotime cardbase. Panduro Hobby christmas papers, and heart sticker.
Kort & Godt ribbon.

I always use my Scor-Pal to score & fold my cards. EK Success® Whale Of A Punch 'Large Circle 1.75' and 'Polkadots edge' border punch. Panduro Hobby scalpel and self healing mat.
Martha Stewart 'Flourish Edge' Punch.
Stencils/Embossingfolders: ...
Dies: Sizzix Tim Holtz Alterations Thinlits 'Nordic Winter'. CarlijnDesign Cutting dies 'Abstrakte Trekanter' (CDSN-0146 abstract triangles). Lawn Fawn '#LF772. Stitched Hillside Borders Cuts', and '#LF1923. Fancy Wavy banner'.
Fiskars - Easy Action Softgrip Micro-Tip Scissors. Bonefolder. High-Tack adhesive tape Sookwang Scor-Pal tape &/or Red tape. 3D foam/mosegummi. Indigoblu 'Lancashire Rose' gilding flakes.
Techniques/Mediums: The snowman was cut out with my favorite scissors that dont hurt my hands, and a scalpel. Drew upon the squiggly lines of the scarf with Sakura gelly roll glitter gold pen, and highlighted some whites with gesso.
For the background i used an inlay technique, where i cut out the

'Nordic Winter' coverplate die in white and blue cardstock, added a sheet of adhesive behind the blue one. Then used the smaller white reindeer cutouts as puzzlepieces, and rubbed gildingflakes on top of the exposed adhesive.


  1. What an amazing image - love that you drew it yourself and digitised it - fabulous. Thank you for joining us at The Holly and Ivy Christmas Challenge xx Lynda/Loopyloo Xx

  2. Adorable snowman card! Love the die cut border across the bottom. Thanks for sharing at A Cut Above's August Anything Goes with a Die Cut Challenge.

  3. Such a cute snowman and beautiful sparkly patterned paper! Thanks so much for sharing at my Crafty Wednesday challenge!

  4. This snowman is so cute - a lovely festive card!
    Thank you for sharing your card in our challenge at Dream Valley.
    Sharon – Dream Valley Challenge Designer - Stop by and see me!!!

  5. Adorable! I love Snowmen! Thanks for sharing at LPOCF


Many thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment, I so appreciate it and reading them is always a joy! ♥ Tindaloo aka. Hilde Larsen

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