Monday, December 25, 2023

Hedgehogs đź’— Thank you card

I lørdagens blogpost hos Creative Fingers takket vi alle våre flotte sponsorer gjennom 2023. Mitt kort er en spesiell takk til vår DT Angelique 💗

Om du bruker å delta på utfordringene våre hos Creative Fingers, så tar vi en pause og den nåværende utfordringen #268. varer til over nyttår, 4 uker istedenfor de vanlige to. Vi vil også ha vår årlige bloggpost med julekort fra designteamet, og du kan finne en super Bloggcandy i denne bloggposten!
~ Thanks ~
If you love participating in the blog challenges at the Creative Fingers Blog, you may have noticed the DT's are taking a holiday break. The current challenge #268. will last four weeks instead of two. We also have an awesome BlogCandy giveaway, plus a digistamp freebie from me!

The CF Design Team is thanking our wonderful sponsors throughout 2023! (including myself!) in this blogpost.
My card is a Thank you to our DT Angelique for sponsoring this challenge with all sorts of crafty goodies, and for her friendship all through the years, from way back in december 2013 when i first joined the creative design team, imagine! how the time flies đź’—

I enter my card in theese fab Challenges: [Ends on]
â—Ź PBSC ~ Penny Black Saturday ~ AG or Christmas [Jan.5th.]
â—Ź As You Like It ~ AG!
Why Favourite: This is my go-to favourite die to use when my mind goes blank on the layout for a card ~ i find my Spellbinders labels one dies and make a frame! ... and done, perfect!
â—Ź The Creative Crafters #71. ~ Always AG! JFF[Jan.8th.]
â—Ź Elliebellies Corner #10. ~ I Spy Something Old/New JFF[Jan.14th.]
Using an old Penny Black (hedgehogs) clearstampset, at least 10 years old!
â—Ź The Crafty Addicts #8. ~ AG JFF(2nd.entry)[Dec.31st.]
â—Ź Ally's Angels #77. ~ AG JFF(2nd.entry)[Jan.9th.] 
â—Ź Crafts Galore Encore #118. ~ AG (2nd.entry)[Dec.30th.]
â—Ź Ching-Chou Kuik Last challenge ~ Dec. Always AG
(non CCK entry)[
inside detail

Stamps/Images: Penny Black 'Every which way - T for Transparent' clearstamp set. La Pashe 'Hedgehog decoupage/trinitage' printed out on photopaper. Kreativ Hobby text rubberstamp 'Takk'.
Papers: I prefer Canson Montvale aquarelle paper (200 g/m coldpressed) for my motifs. Creotime kraft cardblank. Paperscrap that was chalk black colored. Making Memories 'Love Notes' spiral journaling book. Maja Design 'Little street café' 6x6 paper pad.
Embellishments: Panduro Hobby rhinestone stickers in gold, and brown/white twine.
My distress tools from Ranger Ink is always in use ~ Tim Holtz® Mini Ink Round Blending Tool & the Inkssentials Ink Blending Tool and Foams. EK Success® Whale Of A Punch 'Large Circle 1.75'.
Stencils/Embossingfolders: ...
Dies: Spellbinders™ Nestabilities 'Labels One' and 'Grommet Tags die SP-S4-322'.
Essentials/Adhesives: Bonefolder. Gluedots.
High-Tack adhesive tape  Sookwang Scor-Pal tape &/or Red tape. 3D foam/mosegummi. Rangers Glossy accents.
Techniques/Mediums: I used misc. Luminarte Twinkling H2o's Shimmering Watercolors, and Tim Holtz Distress Ink pads to watercolor and distress image and papers.


  1. How sweet thank you card for your DT pal, Hilde! Those hedgehogs are SO cute (as are all the PB critters !) and love so much your watercolouring and paper!
    Sending you big hugs and my best wishes for Christmas, if you celebrate it!

  2. Fabulous, sweet, cute card. Thank you so much for joining in with our challenge this fortnight at As You Like It..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  3. Very nice card. Thanks for joining us at The crafting addicts

    Zo een leuke creatie gemaakt, tof. Leuk dat je ook meedoet bij onze challenge The crafting addicts
    Creatieve Groetjes Claudia

    Vanaf heden geef ik workshops en verkoop ik mijn kaartjes via mijn FB groep
    Mijn FB groep: Claudia's Kaartjes
    You tube:Claudia's Kaartjes
    Blog:Claudia's Kaartjes
    Challenge blogs:
    Girlz Creative Christmas 
    Girlz makes Guyz Cards
    Girlz creative crafts
    Creative sketchy girls

  4. So cute and sweet, loving the image and beautiful papers and all the layers. Thank you for joining us at the Crafts Galore Encore Challenge.

  5. Super sweet card!
    Thank you so much for playing along at I spy with my little eye!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  6. Thank you for joining our challenge at
    The Creative Crafters Challenge blog
    I hope you’ll join us next time again.
    (DT member)

  7. Very sweet image on this pretty card. Thanks so much for joining this month's I Spy Challenge theme "Something Old and/or Something New".
    Pauline xx


Many thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment, I so appreciate it and reading them is always a joy! ♥ Tindaloo aka. Hilde Larsen

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