Don't you just love Penny Black stamps? This one is a favourite of mine - ended up beeing a very pink card for the norwegian challenge #68 Celebration, at Sukkersött.
Stamps/Images: Penny Black - Tip-toes, Magnolia - BakgrundsSwirl Bröllup. Kreativ Hobby - Hurra for deg... (=Hurrah for you)
Papers: Bazzill, Making Memories Journaling paper 5th avenue.
Embellishments: Spellbinders die - Oval classic Scallop large.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Penny Black Ballerina Cat!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Tv-series, T-shirts & Pretty boxes!
(PS: ikke kjøpt alt på amazon - noe på CdOn og

Tror jeg traff blink med de fleste julegavene iallefall, som en guitar hero t-skjorte til lillebror som er hekta på det. Har kjøpt mange t-skjorter på til andre i gave
<- og til meg selv også (bilde) - kjempetips til dem som også liker gratis porto! Bare husk å handle for under 200kr for å slippe toll ;) - Oppdatert valuta + kalkulator på!
Men for de små julegavene så er en pen eske man har scrappet selv bedre å få enn ett julekort! Og mye billigere ;) Her er noen av eskene jeg har laget. Har ingen mal, bare prøver meg frem. Så ofte ender jeg opp med lokk eller bunner som ikke passer (blir for løse), men da lager jeg bare enda flere *hehe*
As a xmas present for myself I got the whole series of Buffy and Roswell DVD's! They arrived a week ago on the door, straight from, so since then it's been a Buffy marathon *lol* I love sci-fi, fantasy & horror tv-series. Can't get enough! It's the theme for me in books and movies to ofcourse, and I'm a Twi-fan as everyone else, except not as obsessed as many.. ;) Angel is and will always be my first choice of vamp :) I already have the whole Angel series on dvd, as well as many other faves like: Farscape, Charmed, X-files and more. Right now I'm collecting on Futurama - funniest cartoon show ever!!! And next on the list to get is Dr.Who & Torchwood!
Last year I didn't only get cool xmas pressies for myself, is a great source for great gifts - just LOVE their T-shirts, as you can see on the top pic, that's all mine!
For the smaller presents a nice box to give them away in is a nice touch - and you can even just give the box it self, wich is a real cheap but appreciated gift! Theese are some I've made, without a template - just trial and error.. Wich I had a lot of! Did get many box tops and bottoms that didn't fit eachother, but I just made some more, and lucked out! But there are many templates to find online I'm sure, I just wanted to try and make my own:) Sometime in the near future I'm gonna get myself a scor-pal, and then I'll make tons of boxes real easy!
Main Stamps/Images: Cornish Heritage Stamp by Kim Hughes "Owen the Owl". Pixie digital stamp from Charmed Cards & Crafts. The stamp from Motivet is "Doraline med nyckelpiga (Doraline w. ladybug)", and "In a nutshell" from Penny Black.
Misc Text stamps used: Aud design 5b, Kort & Godt, Kreativ Hobby, Norsk Stempelblad - Ett Trykk.
Papers used: Bazzill, Core'Dinations, Misc cardstock & Designer papers - Scenic Route, Panduro, DCWV, Basic Grey, Making Memories Journaling paper.
Embellishments: MM brads, QK & Spellbinders dies, Basic Grey chipboard stickers, Prima, stickers, ribbons & felt.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year 2010!!!

Det har vært litt tungt de siste mnd. etter at pappa døde, han fyllte opp så mye tid, at det virker nesten tomt i huset nå, med bare meg og moren min. Så vi har planer om å flytte - kansje iløpet av det nye året :) Isåfall skal jeg innrede verdens beste scrappe-rom!!! Har sett utrolig mye flotte løsninger både på og på twoPeas gallery > Scrap rooms > slik som DETTE helt fantastiske rommet! *sukk* Skal definitivt ha meg en slik vegg å henge ting på :)

I slutten av januar skal jeg og moren min til Thailand sammen med storebror og niesen min - Det blir helt herlig!!! Har ikke kunnet slappe av eller gjøre som vi vil på tur - siden hmmm... aldri? Først hadde vi Siljesnuppa vår boende, så kom bestefar og når han gikk bort, så var altzheimer'n til pappa allerede blitt for ille til å ha mer glede enn stress ut av feriene. Skal sørge for å ta med stempeltrykk og alt av male-remedier, så kommer det masser nye kort fra meg på nyåret!!
I denne posten er det derimot mange 'gamle' kort - som bare har blitt liggende på pc'n og ventet på å bli blogget om. Bare klikk på bildene for å få opp en større utgave ;)

Happy New Year everyone!!! Hoping you've had a wonderful Christmas :) December was pretty hectic for most I'm sure, but I don't have any kids so I didn't stress much. However on newyears eve I sat with my cat Tamlin bundled up in a blanket oon my lap - for almost two hours!! He's afraid that the rockets will get him I think *lol* All panic, but safe inside the blanket :)
The last months has been heavy emotionally since my dad died, but me and my mum are coping good now, and soon we're off to Thailand for a much needed vacation! My eldest brother Pit, and my little niece Ariel are going with us. I'm taking with me lots of stampmotifs and my aquarelle paints, so I will have lots to create when I get home! January 24th is the date & three weeks in paradise :)
Our house is now too big for just me and my mum, so sometime this year we'll move into a new home, close to my uncle and his family. And he live in the house he and my mum grew up in, so she'll feel right at home!!! And the view there is gorgeous, all mountains and the sea below! My mind is already occupied finding solutions for my new scrap-room!!! Ikea will be my ruin I fear - there is so much great stuff to buy ;) And I've been browsing through the twoPeas gallery > Scrap rooms > and found awesome scraprooms like this one! *I wish*
Main Stamps/Images: Webimages printed out on bazzill. Heart stamp from Hänglar & Stängler. Toves Design stamp "Skøytekari". Magnolia "BakgrundsSwirl Bröllup".
PaperPiecings I made of a cat - recipe found on the web (let me know if u know where!). Cats Pajamas cat stamp. Cornish Heritage Stamp by Kim Hughes "Owen the Owl". Cornish Heritage 6x6Stamp "Distressed circles". Kreativ Hobby "Diva" stamp. Disney Clearstamps.
Misc Text stamps used: Kreativ Hobby, Norsk Stempelblad - Ett Trykk, Scrapmagasinet, Lazar StudioWERX Inc, Stempelhobby/Kin Flicks + unknowns.
Papers used: Bazzill, Misc cardstock & Designer papers - Panduro, DCWV, Basic Grey, Prima Journaling papers.
Embellishments: MM brads, QK & Spellbinders dies, Prima, dentalfloss, stickers, rubons, felt ++