Har dere sett de nye Manga-stemplene som ankommer FunkyKits snart??? Wow, et par er bare-må-ha! Håper jeg vinner denne challengen (as if..), for da får jeg dem alle! ;) Sugarbowls challenge #15 er en skisse av Gayle, som du kan se her. Super-enkel skisse, men utrolig flott og anvendbar. Kommer nok til å bruke den flere ganger ja! Challengen må også inkludere 'Ribbons & Bows'. Og jeg har iallefall prøvd :) Ikke akkurat den fineste sløyfen, mye krøll for å få den til, gluedots på bordet og fingrene... The last sketch-challenge at SugarBowl was great! #15 by Gayle. But I'm not a wiz at making bows... and the gluedots was not so much in the bow, than sticking to my fingers & table afterwards! *lol*
Stamps/Image:Angus the dog with bone from Sugarnellie. + Cat's Pajamas stamps. And inside: Dexter the Bear by Little Cotton Rabbits also Sugarnellie.Paper:Bazzill cardstock. Love papers from Your crafts beautiful. Embellishments:Prima flowers and MM brads. The patterned Ribbon is from CraftLover - Fancy. I've used the Spellbinder Nestabilities - Small Labels - on the stampmotif. And an corner puncher from EK success.
Kjøpte nylig noen ny-delige stempler fra Motivet; Doraline med marihøne/nyckelpiga, og James og ShyBear (Artful Stamper). De to sistnevnte har jeg sett brukt på kort rundtom på flere blogger, og ble helt forelska! gleder meg til å bruke dem :)Her har jeg brukt Doraline på et kort til motivets egen skisse-utfordring - se skissen på bloggen.Recently I bought some gorgeous stamps from Motivet, Doraline with ladybug, and James & ShyBear (Artful Stamper) - wich I'm so looking forward to play with!!I've used Doraline on this card for the sketch-challenge at Motivet's blog here.
Stamps/Image:Motivet - Doraline with ladybug, Cornish Heritage Farms - Distressed cicles scrapblock stamp, Magnolia - BakgrundsSwirl Bröllup. Paper:Bazzill cardstock. My Minds Eye - Tres Jolie - mon cheri 'baby' girl: Floral / Corail paper. And I used H2O - copper shimmer mist, to make the paper under the stamp-motif. Embellishments:Bling it Rhinestones from Basic Grey. My Minds Eye - Tres Jolie - mon cheri 'baby' girl french borders (text sticker). Spellbinder Nestabilities Labels One used to cut the stamp-motif. And some ladybugstickers and a QK-bow RS-0118. Plus lots of Cats-eye-inking, dark brown is my fave :)
Denne ukens utfordring #39. hos the CuttlebugSpot er å vise frem innsiden av et kort man har laget. Ble veldig fornøyd med dette jeg, men jeg pynter alltid innsiden på kortene mine! :)Er ikke Penny black musene skjønne? Jeg får aldri nok av disse stemplene! This week's challenge is all about the inside of the card at the Cuttlebug Spot challenge #39. Here I have used some of my treasured sweethearts - the Penny Black mice! Some of the sweetest stamps I know of!:)
Stamps/Image:The mice with muffin are from the Penny Black Clearstamp set 'Critters', and on the inside PB - Surprise!! The text reads 'Happy birthday' and come from Scrapmagasinet - 27B. And the ribbon stamp is also from Scrapmagasinet - 36B. The swirlstamp is from Lazar StudioWERX Inc - Funky Holidays set. Paper:White Bazzill cardstock, DCWV - sweet neapolitan gltr., and inside a Noteworthy diecut journaling paper from M.M. Embellishments:As always (almost) I distress my cards with my small cats eye pads - don't know what I'd do without them! And I've used Spellbinder Nestabilities - Labels 4 on the front stampmotif.
Drittvær! :( *snøft* Nå høljer det ned igjen... og leddene mine verker av væromslag - blir ikke mye kortlaging da.. heller ikke noe langtur, som vi hadde planer om. Den får vente på godværet - om det kommer! ;) *lol*
Her er et par sommerlige kort, som passet så fint til siste utfordring hos A spoon full of sugar: Challenge 58 - Summer. Her har jeg virkelig kost meg med akvarellmalingen! :) Fairy Song Art stemplene fra Susana's Custom Art & Card Design, er utrolig flotte å male på, med så flotte detaljer! *drømmesegbort* A couple of summer cards to cheer me up when the weather here is dreary and wet & make my joints ache! ;) For the challenge at A spoon full of sugar #58 - Summer. I *love* theese Fairy SongArt stamps from Susana's Custom Art & Card Design. Stamps/Image:Fairy Song Art stamp - Lost in thought. Magnolia - BakgrundsSwirl Bröllup. The txt is from Northstar stamps and reads something like: 'the sweet summertime' & 'good summer'. Paper:Bazzill cardstock and aquarelle (watercolor) paper. Embellishments:I've painted the images with H2O, distress inks and aquarelle paints. And the punches used are from Fiskars (scallop) and EK Success (corner).