Jeg lagde to kort med kjempesøte motiver fra vår sponsor M.Medel Ill. som mitt DT bidrag hos Creative Fingers #144. Som alltid har vi et 'Lag-hva-du-vil' tema, og velkommen skal du være :)
♥ 😻 🐾 love you 🐾 😻 ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ You are the worlds best friend ♥ ♥ ♥
inside & back detail
I have two DT cards this time for our fortnights challenge #144. at Creative Fingers. The first card has two lovely little kittens who are the bestest of friends! The supercute motifs are from our sponsor Maria Medel Illustrations.
She has shared a fantastic discount code with us, a 30% discount coupon with the code CHALLENGE18, valid from March 15th. to May 15th. AND, if you sign up for her newsletter, you'll get a 15% off forever! As always we are having an 'Anything goes
theme' at Creative Fingers, and you are more than welcome to join us with your creations ♥
My second DT card is with the cutest little monkey, he is so huggable! ♥ Have no idea what kind of monkey or ape he is though, or if he belongs in Africa or not, as I did the rest of my card Africa themed :)
♥ Everyone should have a friend like you ♥
inside & back detail
I enter my monkey card in theese fab Challenges: [Ends on] 🍌 Scrappelyst~ Mars: din favoritt ~ stensiler![30. Mars] Stensiler er kjempeflotte verktøy, billig i bruk og passer stort sett alle overflater! 🐵 Scrappiness #3. ~ Stensiler![14. April] 🍌 Crafting With An Attitude #37. ~ Always Anything Goes![March 25th.] 🐵 Crafty Creations #362. ~ Always AG[March 27th.] 🍌 Ellibelle's Crafty Wedn. ~ March: All Creatures Great and Small![March 30th.]
Stamps/Images: Maria Medel Illustr. on etsy 'Kitties digital stamp bundle', and 'Valentine Monkey set'. My monthly Hero Arts kit MH0318 stamps and co-ordinating dies. Papirdesign Clearstamps 'Glad du er min venn'. Kort & Godt 'M-321'. Norsk Stempelblad Ett trykk 'CS A04 Venn'. Papers: I prefer Canson Montvale aquarelle paper (200 g/m coldpressed) for my motifs. Bazzill cardstock. Plain white cardstock. Making Memories spiral bound journaling paper. DoCrafts 'Pampered Pets' 12x12 paperpack. Panduro Hobby 'Circus' 12x12 pp. Embellishments: ... none, yes really!
Tools:I always use my Scor-Pal to score n fold my cards. My distress tools from Ranger Ink is always in use ~ Tim Holtz® Mini Ink Round Blending Tool & the Inkssentials Ink Blending Tool and Foams. EK Success® Whale Of A Punch 'Large Circle 1.75' & 'Inverted Corner Punch'. Marvy Uchida punch 'corner rounder small 1'. Stencils: Joanna Sheen Signature coll. ~ African Stencils 'Mount Kilimanjaro 6625', and 'African Safari 6626'. Hunkydory ~ For the Love of Masks 'Go Wild'. Dies: Spellbinders™ Nestabilities Nestabilities 'Labels 4 S4190', 'Petite Ovals Large', Deckled Edge Classic Ovals Large'. Speech bubble, banner dies and 'Hugs' fancy die from the same Hero Arts kit MH0318. Essentials/Adhesives: Double sided tape. 3D foam/mosegummi. High-Tack Double Sided Red Tape (Red Liner/Stix2/Miracle tape).Rangers Glossy accents.
Techniques/Mediums: I used misc. Luminarte Twinkling H2o's Shimmering Watercolors, and Tim Holtz Distress Ink pads & markers, plus Oxide inkpads, to watercolor and distress image and papers. misc. Hero Arts, Ranger archivals, Prima chalk ink pads.
Det kjempesøte pingvin motivet på julekortet mitt er et stempel fra Whiff of Joy og Alison Acton. WOJ har dessverre har sluttet som butikk, men mange fører fremdeles stempler fra dem (helt til det går tomt).. PapirPlaneten har ganske mange igjen :)
Alison Acton går under nicket @dooomcat på nett, og hun har en helt hysterisk morsom tegneserie ~ Bearnuts ~ som du kan lese helt fra begynnelsen på denne siden. NB: ikke ment for sarte sjeler ;)
The supercute penguin motif on my christmascard is an old rubberstamp from Whiff of Joy, who's webshoppe sadly no longer exists. But there are still many stores who still have them in stock if you search around for it!
The artist behind the motif is Alison Acton, and although I don't believe she's licensing her art as stamps anywhere, she still creates fanart and images you can get on tees, I got a couple cool ones in my always growing tee-stash ;) She goes by @doomcat online and also has THE funniest webcomic, super weird and nerdy, so dark sometimes, and absolutely not for the faint hearted.. ;) Bearnuts ~ wich you can read from the beginning on this page here.
Scandinavian Challenges: [innen] ● Scrappelyst~ Grublis for Mars: Eksplosjon av farger![6. April.]
inside detail
Stamps/Images: Whiff of Joy - Alison Acton 'WOJ Penguin's Winter Fun' rubberstamp. Scrappers Choice Clearstamps 'Julekule' & 'Journaling' 14x14cm. Panduro Hobby CS A6 'God Jul 510166' & 'Vibeke Spigseth - Merry Christmas NO'. Joanna Sheen & Thomas Kinkade Cardmaking Collection mag. Issue #3. snowman stamp. North Star Stamps CS A5 'Juletekster 09'. Papers: I prefer Canson Montvale aquarelle paper (200 g/m coldpressed) for my motifs. Bazzill Bling blue cardstock. Plain white cardstock and cardbase. Misc. designerpapers from Panduro & Nille Memories. Embellishments: Unknown red lace, and a felt ribbon w. snowflakes wich I cut apart. Notabene red & white twine.
Tools:I always use my Scor-Pal to score n fold my cards. My distress tools from Ranger Ink is always in use ~ Tim Holtz® Mini Ink Round Blending Tool & the Inkssentials Ink Blending Tool and Foams. EK Success® Whale Of A Punch 'Large Circle 1.75', and EK Paper Shapers 'Corner Adorner Medium Round Punch'. Panduro schablon/stencil 'God Jul A4' (snowflakes). Dies: Spellbinders™ Frameabilities 'Scalloped Edge Frame'. Crafts Too Presscut 'Circle Nesting Dies PCD46'. Snowman die from the Joanna S. & Thomas Kinkade Cardmaking Coll. magazine. Essentials/Adhesives: Gluedots. Double sided tape. High-Tack Double Sided Red Tape (Red Liner/Stix2/Miracle tape).Rangers Glossy accents, stickles.
Techniques/Mediums: I used misc. Luminarte Twinkling H2o's Shimmering Watercolors, and Tim Holtz Distress Ink pads & markers to watercolor and distress image and papers. To heat emboss I used a Versamark inkpad, a heat gun tool & Panduro silver embossingpowder. White Pigment Signo Pen to add details.
Igjen har jeg funnet frem Hero Arts sitt klubb nydelige klubbkit med '1001 natt' tema dies og stempler fra desember ifjor, denne gang sammen med et par av mine absolutt eldste stempler ~ All Night Media øyenstikkeren må vel være rundt 20 år gammelt for det var allerede et godt brukt stempel da jeg kjøpte det for mer enn ti år siden, og både Lazar StudioWerx snirkel stemplet og Whiff of Joy jenta inni er fra stempelsett jeg kjøpte i 2010! De holder seg godt :) Selv om jeg nok har ti ganger flere digitale stempler, så er det fremdeles mine kjære gummistempler jeg elsker mest ♥
I have yet again taken out and played with my fabulous Scheherazade / Arabian nights theme Hero Arts Monthly clubkit from december last year ~ this time pairing it with a couple of my oldest stamps of my collection. The All Night Media dragonfly has got to well around 20 years old by now, as it was already old and well used when I bought it second-hand more than ten years ago. And both the swirl stamp from Lazar StudioWerx and the Whiff of Joy girl inside my card is of a stampset I bought back in 2010! All three gone out of business ages ago... Talking about oldies but goodies! :) Even if I probably have ten times more digistamps than I do rubber and clear, the sweet rubberstamps will always be my not-so-secret-hoarding-addiction and absolute favourites ♥
You can see my other creations with this Hero Arts kit by clicking here :)
I enter my card in theese fab Challenges: [Ends on] (checked out on April 14th.) ● Allsorts #458. ~ Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes![March 16th.] ● Happy Little Stampers ~ March: Anything Goes with Dies![March 31st.] ● LTSCB #107. ~ Anything Goes[March 31st.] ● Crafty Creations #362. ~ Always AG[March 26th.] ● Outlaws Saturday Paper Ala Mode ~ Fantasy & StoriesPAM03102018[March 16th.]
EDIT: My card was just featured on the Outlaws forum, thank you :) .. and I won a prize from Bugaboo also as a March winner at Outlaws ♥
Stamps/Images:Hero Arts MMH December 2017 Kit stamps & co-ordinating dies. All Night Media 'Dragonfly'. The Elisabeth Bell rubberstamp girl inside the card, is from the Whiff of Joy 'WOJ April 2010 kit - Scheherazade 1001 Nights'. Creative Stamping magazine issue #42. 'the Enchantment collection' stamp set. Lazar StudioWERX Inc rubberstamp 'Funky Holidays' (swirl). Digital circle journalingframe from Createwings Designs 'Tiny Treasure kit'. Papers: I prefer Canson Montvale aquarelle paper (200 g/m coldpressed) for my motifs. Bazzill cardstock. Plain white cardstock. Prima marketing inc. 'Reflections' Designerpapers 6x6 paperstack. Embellishments: Galerie & Europris rhinestone embellies. Notabene gold glitter gavebånd/paper ribbon.
Tools:I always use my Scor-Pal to score n fold my cards. My distress tools from Ranger Ink is always in use ~ Tim Holtz® Mini Ink Round Blending Tool & the Inkssentials Ink Blending Tool and Foams.
Dies: Fancy window die from the december Hero Arts kit.Spellbinders™ Nestabilities 'Grand Labels One LF-161'. Sizzix Bigz Tim Holtz Die w Texture Fades embossingfolder 'Layered Butterfly'. Creative Expressions - Sue Wilson Finishing Touches 'Wispy Fronds dies'. Apple Blossom Floral Frames Collection 'Rose Butterfly' die set. Essentials/Adhesives: Gluedots. Scor-Pal Scor-Tape Double Side Adhesive tape 5inch x 27yd (HUGE! great value bought on Blitsy). 3D foam/mosegummi. High-Tack Double Sided Red Tape (Red Liner/Stix2/Miracle tape).Rangers Glossy accents. Misc. Ranger Stickles & Tonic Nuvo drops.
Techniques/Mediums: I used misc. Tim Holtz Distress Ink pads & markers to watercolor and distress image and papers. To heat emboss sentiment & the big butterfly I used a Versamark inkpad, a heat gun tool and 'Aladine poudre à embosser OR gold' plus a white Hero Arts embossingpowder. The background behind the fancy frame die is made with a really tacky sheet of tape behind, then rubbing some yummy Indigoblu Megaflake Chocolate Box gildingflakes on the panel.
Min DT inspirasjon for Papirplanetens Mars utfordring som har 'Påske' som tema. Du kan finne Lille Skutt stemplet og dies jeg har brukt hos Papirplaneten, med linker nederst i bloggposten. Vi håper du føler deg inspirert til å delta med dine kreasjoner hos oss ♥
Front and back view
A hanging shaker easter greeting tag / card is my DT inspiration for PapirPlaneten, wich has an Easter theme challenge for March. PapirPlaneten is an norwegian challengeblog and craft shoppe. You are more than welcome to join with your creations, but the main prize is only shipped within Norway ♥
I enter my card in theese fab Challenges: [Ends on] ● Magnolia-Licious ~ Anything Magnolia Goes![March 5th.] ● Creative Moments #137. ~ Anything goes[March 5th.] ● Mod Squad ~ Bunnies or Chicks[March 5th.] ● Allsorts #456. ~ I spy.. 'B': Bunny, Bow, Blue, Bird, Border![March 2nd.] ● Papercraft Ch. #6. ~ Ribbon/Band[March 12th.] ● Simon Says Wednesday ~ Anything goes![March 6th.] ● Incy Wincy Designs ~ EASTER![March 4th.] ● Pile It On #139. ~ 3D and/or Stickers/Washi(entry#3.)[March 3rd.]
EDIT: I got a Sweet Sprinkles Award from Pile it On! Thank you ♥ ...
One of my absolute favourite tools ~ the SilentSetter from ProvoCraft. Super easy to make holes with, or to add eyelets! No noise, cuts like butter just by twisting the handle :)
Stamps/Images: Magnolia rubberstamps 'Lille Skutt', and 'Påskeegg med tag'. Papers: I prefer Canson Montvale aquarelle paper (200 g/m coldpressed) for my motifs. Bazzill cardstock. Plain white cardstock. Plaid 'Spring casual' 12x12 paperpad vellum. Embellishments: Panduro Hobby Ribbons 'Garden Vintage' green lace, 'Paradise' ric-rac/kroklisse, 'Ethnic Blue' flower. Multicraft 'Baby' craft medley cup sequins. Sense white sticker border. Tools:My distress tools from Ranger Ink is always in use ~ Tim Holtz® Mini Ink Round Blending Tool & the Inkssentials Ink Blending Tool and Foams. ProvoCraft Silent Setter tool. Sizzix Textured impressions embossing folder '658300' from the Big Shot starter kit. Dies: Spellbinders™ Frameabilities 'Polka Dot Frame'. QuicKutz (new branded as LifeStyle crafts/WRMK) 'Kylling / Chick KS-0411', and 'Cracked Egg Club Die QC-011-S'. Hero Arts 'Spoken Bird' February 2018 club kit egg and nest dies. GummiApan 'God Påske die D170710' (=Happy easter). Essentials/Adhesives: Gluedots. Double sided tape. 3D foam/mosegummi. High-Tack Double Sided Red Tape (Red Liner/Woodware/Miracle tape).Rangers Glossy accents. EK success anti-static powder tool. Uniball Signo white pigment ink pen. Techniques/Mediums: I used misc. Tim Holtz Distress Ink pads, Oxides and Distress Spray stains to watercolor and distress image and papers. [Oxides Colorcombo: Broken China, Foss.Amber, Cr.Pistachio]. Mica + water spray.