Har alltid vært fascinert av disse fargerike og søte froskene ♥ Samlet på postkort av frosker da jeg var yngre og lagde tilogmed et maleri basert på et slikt kort! ..Som en av brødrene mine likte så godt at han 'stjal' for å ha hjemme hos seg ;)
Derfor er jeg kjempeglad å få dette flotte digistemplet fra Beccy's Place, og å vise frem dette kortet som mitt DT-bidrag hos Creative Fingers. Stemplet er egentlig med en vanlig grønn frosk, så pupillen er feil vei i forhold til at jeg har malt i fargene til en trefrosk, men det var det første jeg tenkte på! Til utfordring #108. har vi som alltid et 'Lag-hva-du-vil' tema :)
I ♥ tree frogs! Always been facinated by theese colorful & cute little frogs. I used to collect postcards with frogs on them, and even made a painting based on one of the cards! ..Which one of my brothers loved so much that he sort of nicked it from me ;)

So I was super happy to get this sweet Beccy's Place stamp to color up as my DT-creation at Creative Fingers. This is actually not supposed to be a treefrog so the pupil/slit is the wrong way, but I just wanted to ink it like one anyway! ♥ You are welcome to join us for this fortnights challenge #108. We always have 'Anything Goes' as a theme :)

So I was super happy to get this sweet Beccy's Place stamp to color up as my DT-creation at Creative Fingers. This is actually not supposed to be a treefrog so the pupil/slit is the wrong way, but I just wanted to ink it like one anyway! ♥ You are welcome to join us for this fortnights challenge #108. We always have 'Anything Goes' as a theme :)
I enter my card in theese fab Challenges: [Ends on]
● Crafty Gals Corner #69. ~ Anything Goes [April 3rd.]
● Fairytale Stampers #66. ~ Anything Goes [May 14th.]
● Little Miss Muffet #136. ~ Anything goes [April 3rd.]
● Petal Lu #12. ~ Anything goes [May 1st.]
● Inspiration Destination #83. ~ Anything Goes [April 3rd.]
● Simon Says Wedn. ~ Anything Goes! [April 3rd.]
● Cuttlebug Mania ~ Butterflies [May 9th.]
Scandinavian challenges:
● Scrappegarasjen #23. ~ Bruk dies [10 Mai]
Stamps/Images: Beccy's Place digistamp 'Frog and Oleander'. Magnolia 'BakgrundsSwirl Bröllup'.
Papers: Bazzill cardstock. Plain white cardstock. My Mind's Eye MME Bohemia coll. 'Barefoot Love Dots/Red'.
Techniques: I always use my Scor-Pal to score n fold my cards. I prefer Canson Montvale aquarelle paper (200 g/m coldpressed). My distress tools from Ranger Ink is always in use! ~ Tim Holtz® Mini Ink Round Blending Tool & the Inkssentials Ink Blending Tool and Foams. I used misc. Luminarte Twinkling H2o's Shimmering Watercolors, and Tim Holtz Distress Ink pads to watercolor and distress image and papers. Glossy accents.