Dette er et av de nydelige 'gamle' Penny Black stemplene, ikke så lett å få tak i nå - men jeg fant det hos PB stamps - som også sponser denne utfordringen hos Penny Black Saturday #153 - For jentene! Paper Play's tema #21. er Blomster :)
This is one of the gorgeous 'old' Penny Black stamps - found at Dick's PB Stamps Shop - who also is one of the sponsors for challenge #153. at Penny Black Saturday 'One for the Girlies' :) And for Paper Play's #21. wich got the great theme of 'Blossoms and Blooms'.
Stamps/Image: Penny Black 'Rain or Shine Friends'. North Star Stamps - CS Bursdagstekster A5 (txt=For my girlfriend). Magnolia 'gräsmatta' (=grass). Paper: Bazzill. Websters Pages Petite pack 6x6 combo 'sweet as cherry pie'. Embellishments: QuicKutz REV-0024 flourish antique. Ribbon from Panduro Hobby. Prima E.Line Pearl Crystals. Kaizercraft Large 'mint' flower rhinestone.
Har laget kortet etter Maria Therese sin skisse på SugarBowl utfordring #60 med temaet Bursdag. Og jeg har brukt en av mine favoritt gorjuss jenter som passer til temaet hos A Spoon Full of Sugars utfordring #153. ~ Vinger!
Challenge #60. in the SugarBowl is themed Birthdays with a sketch by one of the talented sweeties, Maria Therese. For #153. at A Spoon Full of Sugar challenge ~ Things with wings, I used one of my favourite gorjuss girls, with fairy wings :)
Stamps: Sugarnellie - Gorjuss girls 'Bumble Bee'. Cornish Heritage Farm CHF 6x6 Scrapblock 'Love'. Adam Pescott txt stamp from a 'Bentley Bear' cs set, an exclusive from Cardmaking & Papercraft Magazine. Papers: Bazzill cardstock. Tim Holtz 'Lost & Found' 12x12 paperstack. And Basic Grey 'Eva' coll. paper. Embellishments: Prima Essentials no.4. & no.5. Flowers. Scrapmagasinet Rhinestone bling 'champagne'. Making Memories 'in bloom' pebble brads. Rangers Tim Holtz Stickles 'Frosted lace'. And decorative ribbons are from a local floral shop.
Here Come The Boys bloggens utfordring #2. er en skisse, og jeg har laget det siste konfirmasjonskortet på en stund ~ med favoritten Chester! Hos Simon Says er det 'Sparkle & Shine' denne gangen, og Creative Craft er helt vintage & distressed :) The 2nd challenge at Here Come The Boys is a sketch by Wendy, and I got Chester on my card ~ again ;) For the 'Sparkle & Shine' challenge at Simon Says I added some shine with my glaze on the tophat & shirt, and I used H2O watercolors with my distress inks to color Chester ~ but the pic only show the sparkles in the rhinestones.. Can't get my camera to go BLING! *lol* And I also enter my card in for the Vintage/Distressed theme at Creative Craft Challenges :)
Stamps/Image: Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps - Chester. Text stamp from Kreativ Hobby. Paper: Bazzill Cardstock. 7 Gypsies 'NottingHill' 6x6 pack. Embellishments: Spellbinder Nestabilities - Curved Rectangles. Tim Holtz Cuttlebug Embossing die 'patchwork'. Rhinestones from Glitz Frosting, & the grey silk ribbon is from the neck of a jumper!
Ett Trykk ~ Trykkpressa's mai utfordring er å lage bokmerker!og jeg så engang en youtube film hvor noen lagde slike fine firkantede bokmerker - flere år siden så jeg finner ikke den igjen :( Men jeg hadde noen jeg lagde da, som jeg kunne åpne (veeldig forsiktig) og se hvordan de skal brettes! Ble ikke bare med ett som dere ser.. Veldig enkle å lage om man bruker scor-pal, men de er ikke fullt så enkle som de lignende bokmerkene jeg ser at Alice på WOJ bloggen har laget ;) Om man ikke har tenkt å lime ekstra ark oa. pynt på bokmerket så blir den bretteteknikken jeg har brukt veldig dekorativ! Har laget en liten tutorial jeg håper er forståelig! Loads of bookmarks for the month of may challenge at the norwegian magazine blog Ett Trykk. Some years ago I watched a youtube video of someone making this kind of square bookmark - it's not the same technique as recently shown by Alice on the WOJ blog here - that one is more easy to do, and will work best if you're going to have a stamped motif on another paper glued on the bookmark, because it's more flat when finished folding. If however, you like to make things difficult for yourself (as me *lol*) you should try theese out! I have reconstructed how I made the bookmark from the video - and created some new ones, along with a little tutorial I hope you can make sense of! :)
Stamps/Image: Prima Clear stamp 'Vintage Script'. Cornish Heritage Farm 6x6 Scrapblock 'Love'. Paper: Leftovers from ~ Cosmo Cricket, Tim Holtz, Sassafraslass & Making Memories. Embellishments: Lots of Cats Eye chalk inks!
Månedsutfordring hos Kreativ Hobby Mai mnd. er: Konfirmasjon! Og kort nr.2 hos Card For Men #10. er det tema - kort til en spesiell gutt/mann. Syns ikke jeg har laget annet enn konfirmant kort i det siste - men det går jo lekende lett med Kreativ Hobby's tekststempel som jeg kutter ut med Whale of a Punch & en skalpell, og jeg har så fine guttestempler som Chester (Se tidligere poster med Tag Kraftin' Kimmie) og NSS Steven! ♥ :)
The norwegian challenge blog of Kreativ Hobby has a 'confirmation day' theme for the month of May, and I enter my first card :) Also the second card ~ Cards For Men #10. has the theme 'for Someone Special'.
Stamps/Image: North Star Stamps 'Single Steven'. Text from Kreativ Hobby 'Rund Konfirmanten Scallop'. Autumn Leaves - Rhonna Farrer clear stamp 'Star'. Paper: Bazzill Cardstock. Prima 6x6 'Youth Collection' paper pad. DCWV Mariposa Cardstock 'Fleur with Gold Foil'. And other papers. Embellishments: Spellbinder Nestabilities 'Curved Rectangles' & 'Labels 8'. Cuttlebug A2 embossing folder 'script texture'. Tim Holtz Cuttlebug 5x7 Embossing die 'Clockworks'. 3D adhesive cushions. Butterfly charm from (won in challengeblog That's Just so Cute!). Lots of tearing & distressing going on + I used the Whale of a Punch 'Circle' to cut out the texts, it fits beautifully inside!
Lenge siden jeg har laget noe annet enn kort nå, så det var en flott utfordring hos Penny Black at Allsorts for Mai mnd. "Shape Up" - alt unntatt firkantig eller rektangulært. Bla. på nille og europris har de sånne billige sparebøsser, eneste problemet er at du må bruke boksåpner for å åpne de! Men det KAN jo være en god ide det også.. *lol* The challenge for May is to "Shape Up" with Penny Black at Allsorts, so I've altered a moneybox / piggybank? Do you call it that when it's not a pig? They're having a DT call also! And if I'm lucky and get picked - I have about 150+ PB stamps to play with! :)
Stamps: Penny Black 'In a nutshell'. Papers: Prism cardstock 'frosty pink'. Simply Cards & Papercraft magazine freebie 'NitWit Collections Never Not paper pack'. Panduro Hobby paperstack 'Country red'. Embellishments: Prima flower. KaizerCraft Rhinestone flowers 'Hot Pink'.
Sommeren er her! Det har vært deilige varme mai-dager.. og mygga stikker og mushumlene er store som.. mus! Babymus iallefall ;) Og her om kvelden var jeg ute på verandaen og tok meg en røyk - og 50 meter unna, ned mot sjøen stod det to elger og 'hadde seg'! *lol* Mo Manning har noen av de nydeligste stemplene der ute - både i digi, clear og gummi! :) Denna Digi-jenta er printed på glossy ark og fargelagt med Marvy LePlume tusjer. Utfordringen på Mo's DP2 #82. er 'Her kommer sommeren'.
The challenge at Mo's Digital Pencil is #82. "Here Comes Summer" - and for me summer is all about icecream, shopping and all things green :) Quite a difference from my last posted card, all vintage and rustique - wich is my fave medium - but once in a while an image just screams for bright colors, don't u think? I colored her with my Marvy LePlume watercolor markers.
Stamps: Digital stamp from Mo Manning's Digital Pencil shop 'Jordan multitasking'. Text ticket stamp is from Kreativ Hobby. Papers: Bazzill & other cardstocks. Glossy Peach paperstock. Embellishments: Misc. Ribbons. Kaizercraft rhinestones 'Large flowers Mint'. Tim Holtz Cuttlebug embossing folders - 'Collage' & 'Clockworks'.
Huff så stressende når blogger slår seg vrang! Prøvde å legge inn dette bildet iallefall 7 ganger før jeg ga opp og lagde en ny paint fil - ville bare legges inn opp ned nemlig! Bra jeg fikk det fikset - ellers vill mange ha fått whiplash *lol* Har laget kortet etter Erikas's skisse på SugarBowl utfordring #59., og temaet Distressing eller Vintage. (Ja takk, begge deler!)
I was trying and trying and couldn't get the pic right way up when I uploaded it to blogger - wich was SO irritating, 'cause I had to blog it before the deadline.. Phew! And so I did! Is it a bug in the system maybe? Anyhoo - after finally getting the pic to stand upright *lol* ;) I'm updating my entry now with info about the card. Challenge #59 in the SugarBowl is themed – Distressed or Vintage, and has a great sketch to follow as usual :)
Stamps: Sugarnellie - Gorjuss girls 'Foxy'. Prima Clear stamp 'Vintage Script 4x6 Documentary'. Text stamp is from Kort & Godt 'Til en jeg er glad i' (=To someone I love). Papers: Bazzill cardstock. 7 Gypsies 6x6 paperpack 'Gypsy market'. Embellishments: Misc Prima flowers. Glitz Frosting rhinestones. QK REV Bamboo The Panda exclusive (used the bamboo as a flower stalk). The tag is taken from a wool carpet I bought :) Ranger Adirondack Tim Holtz' Dimensional pearls 'Butterscotch'. + Loads of distressing with cats eye chalkpads, sandpaper, MM edgescraper, and a scalpel. For the image I used my distress inks and H2O watercolors.
Skjønner ikke hvorfor jeg ikke har tatt i bruk denne Cottage Cutz diesen tidligere - hatt den liggende kjempelenge i skuffen, litt mye pirk for å få den fint gjennom cuttlebuggen da. Men den er helt nydelig som dekorasjon på kort! ♥ Crafty Individuals utfordring i mai er 'fri som fuglen'. Stamp Something's utfordring er helt åpen denne uka, og Southern Girls er Jente kort. Passer sikkert som konfirmasjon kort også :)
Dunno why I haven't used this gorgeous die from Cottage Cutz before! It's a bit difficult to get out of the cuttlebug in one piece, but well worth it! ♥ I enter my card this time in Crafty Individuals challenge - Free as a bird, the Stamp Something 3 year anniversary challenge - Anything goes, and the Southern Girls - Lets hear it for the girls.
Stamps: Crafty Individuals CI - 137. Inkadinkado - Birds galore. The text translates something like: 'Best wishes on this special day'. Papers: Bazzill cardstocks. Handmade paper & a piece of fabric-paper (for tables really) from a local shop. Embellishments: Cottage Cutz Tree w hearts n leaves 4x4. Cuttlebug A2 Embossing die Divine Swirl. Glossy accents - everywhere almost - but it don't show much in the scan.
Sugarnellie stemplene er en av mine ♥ favoritter - har lagt igjen mange kroner hos FunkyKits ja! De gamle gorjuss-stemplene er på tilbud akkurat nå, i tilfelle noen fikk lyst på - jeg har allerede stort sett alle som er gitt ut! Jepp - hekta! *lol* The Sugar Bowl #58. har denne gangen en skisse fra Marlene, med knappe-tema. Finner ikke knappe-eska mi etter flyttinga, så det ble knappe-brads isteden ;)
I luv my Sugarnellies, and the gorjuss girls are a favourite! I see the old ones are on sale on FunkyKits if anyone fancy them - I already have most - oh yes, I'm hooked on Sugar! Theese are very low-carb though ♥ The Sugar Bowl #58. is a sketch from Marlene, and to use Buttons. I have no idea where my button-box is after my move, so it's button-brads from me!
Stamps: Sugarnellie Gorjuss - Untamed. Scrappers Choice Clearstamps - Konfirmasjon (the text translates to: "Grownupticket - Soon Grown Up / Adult"). Papers: Bazzill cardstock. DaisyD's 'Butterfly Dot - Garden Green'. Basic Grey papers from the 'Sugared' collection. Embellishments: Blondes from a local knit & sowing shop. Making Memories Button brads 'Springtime'. Cuttlebug 5x7 Embossing die Clockworks. Cuttlebug A2 Embossing - script texture. (a tiny mistake - I glued it on upside down and discovered it after.. isn't too noticeable though?) Spellbinder Nestabilities - Curved Rectangles S5006. QuicKutz Butterfly KS-0172 & Flowers RS-0349.
Denne mnd. har Bunny Zoe Crafts en utfordring som passet perfekt i disse konfirmasjons-kort-tider! Å lage kort med temaet "One for the boys!". Det passer også en ny utfordringsblogg kun for guttekort, hvor deres første tema er - hva som helst :) Here come the Boys.
This month the Bunny Zoe's Crafts Monthly Challenge is #11. "One for the boys!" And I've made a card for a boys 'confirmationday'. I'm also entering in the brand new challengeblog Here Come The Boys #1. Anything Goes.
Stamps/Image: Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps - Chester. Text stamp from Kreativ Hobby. Paper: Bazzill Cardstock. 7 Gypsies 'Gypsy market' 6x6 pack. Embellishments: 7 Gypsies Brads 'Pretoria'. Spellbinder Nestabilities - Labels 4. Tim Holtz Cuttlebug 5x7 Embossing die 'Clockworks'.