Utfordring #28. fra Quirky Crafts er fargene 'Sjokolade og Krem'. Jeg syns dette kortet er kjempelekkert i fargene! :) Noe annet som er lekkert er Didrik Solli Tangen... Jeg heier på han i kveld! Lykke til ♥ The latest Challenge at Quirky Crafts is #28. Chocolate and Cream - as a colour theme! I LOVE this color combo! Keepin' it simple & chic this time. The gorgeous DP - wich I'm not sure of the name yet, and Tim Holtz always awesome distress inks are enough to make this card yummy for my nephews confirmation day! Stamps/Image:Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps - Moonlight Whispers 'Chester'. Kreativ Hobby - Rund Konfirmanten Scallop(=Gratulations for the Confirmation). Paper: Bazzill Cardstock. DP [-]. Embellishments:EK Success Round giga punch. Spellbinder Nestabilities - Curved Rectangles S5006.
I absolutelyL♥VE the norwegian song for Eurovision Song Contest tonight! By Didrik Solli Tangen ♫ My heart is yours... Gorgeous! If however it doesn't go Norways way this year - here are my 9 other favourites this year: ♫ Iceland - Hera Björk "Je ne sais quoi". ♫ Germany - Lena Meyer-Landrut "Satellite".♫ Turkey - maNga "We could be the same". ♫ Ukraine - Alyosha "Sweet people". ♫ Ireland - Niamh Kavanagh "It's for you". ♫ Moldova - Sunstroke Project & Olia Tira "Run Away".♫ Greece - Giorgos Alkaios & friends "Opa!". Theese are all in the finals - so I picked good this year! But the two last of my faves didn't get through the semi-finals, wich is a shame for sure - both so sweet! (but they didn't perform well live in the semis..) ♫ Latvia - Aisha - "What For? Only Mr. God Knows Why". ♫ Sweden - Anna Bergendahl "this is my life". Well - at least I picked 8 of my fave 10 to still be in the running for the big win - I only hope many more people than me think that the norwegian song is awesome & above all has the best vocals! Best wishes 4 this year also! *lol* I'll be sitting glued to the Tv tonight, and I hope that u all vote for Didrik!♥ :)
UPDATE: Er litt smådeppa etter Eurovision showet på lørdag... Er det mulig? :( Skjønner ikke at så mange åpenbare talenter ble skjøvet helt til side når stemmene ble gitt! Didrik vaklet litt i begynnelsen, men naila resten av sangen, absolutt nydelig - og med den stemmeprakten hadde han fortjent en plass helt i toppen, om ikke førsteplassen! ♥ Jaja.. kommer til å kjøpe CD-plata alikevel - var mange flotte låter med der, og jeg bare later som om Didrik vant *lol* ;)
I'm so happy that Germany's Lena and "satellite" won, when Didrik's song didn't! It's been playing in my head the last couple of weeks ... "even painted my toenails for you".. :) I voted for her and for Iceland's Hera with "Je ne sais quoi", wich is also a very catchy song! But I'm very sad that Didrik (Norway) and Hera (Iceland) didn't get the european votes on saturday - I really don't get that so many obviously talented vocalists were shoved to the bottom - even Niamh from Ireland! ... it's just that ballads seems to be 'out' this year! But I'll be buying the CD anyways - overall GREAT show this year, I have loads of new favourite songs! ♥
Color Throwdown #94. utfordrer med hele fem forskjellige farger - mitt konvolutt-kort har vel heller sparsomt med blått, men men ;) Jeg hadde det kjempemoro med å lage mitt første konvolutt-kort til min nevøs konfirmasjon! Jeg fant denne fine tutorialen her hos Anne, som er DT hos the Pixie Cottage! :) The challenge for Color Throwdown #94. is to use this color palette - wich I have to a degree... There's all the yummy colors - even the blue, at least a little on the cork & bird! *lol* I made the envelope-card after I found Anne's awesome tutorial for the Pixie Cottage.
The inside of the 'envelope-card' has a pocket in wich to keep a money-gift. I've used the 'smudge' tool on the handwritten message if u wondered why it looked weird ;)
Stamps/Image:The mousestamp is from a Penny Black Clearstamp-set 'Bubbly'. Most detail & text stamps come from Kreativ Hobby, except for - Kort & Godt 'Lev hvert minutt'. Magnolia 'Tildas Bi'. Paper:Bazzill & Kraft Cardstock. DP from Kaisercraft - Rough & Tough 'Awesome'. Embellishments:Creative Imaginations - Marah Johnson Swatch book Rubons 'Lovestruck' (the bird & heart). Orange-brown Yarn. Waxed brown thread from Panduro Hobby.
Temaet for Sir Stampalot's Mai mnd. utfordring er Blomster & Sommerfugler. Jeg tror dette er mitt nye favoritt stempel - Hun er bare så herlig! :) Sir Stampalot's challenge for May is Butterflies & Blossoms. And I've used my new favourite stamp again - Charlotte!
Stamps/Image:Kraftin' Kimmie stamp - Moonlight Whispers 'Charlotte'. Kreativ Hobby Billett stempel 'Venn' (=Friend). Paper:Bazzill cardstock. 7 Gypsies 'Notting Hill' 6x6 paper pad. Fancy Pants - All Fall 8x8 paper pad. Embellishments:Prima 'Got Prints' jar. Prima 'Essentials 4 Dude'. Basic Grey brads. Panduro velvet selfadhesive ribbon. QuicKutz - Flowers RS-0349, Leaves RS-0039, Bugs mini RS-0063, Butterfly KS-0172, QKDS-07 Flourish Dies-sett. Spellbinder Nestabilities - Labels 4 die - S4190. I pierced the flourished paper, folded and swept a brown cats eye chalk pad over the folds - so it looked like faux stitching :)
Har lagd et litt annerledes prosjekt til Sukkersött #84. Denne ukens utfordring lyder som følger: Lag et prosjekt med 3-D effekt. Var kjempemoro å finne på noe 'nytt'! The norwegian challengeblog Sukkersött is asking for a project with 3-D effect for #84. And I had lots of fun getting an idea in my head, and then working out how to do it! :) Stamps/Image:Kraftin' Kimmie stamp - Moonlight Whispers 'Charlotte'. Paper:DCWV 'Once upon a time' 12x12 paperstack. Fancy Pants - All Fall 8x8 paper pad. 7 Gypsies 'Notting Hill' 6x6 paper pad. Embellishments:Prima 'Got Prints' jar. Prima 'Painterly Petals - harmony'. Creative Imaginations - Marah Johnson Swatch book Rubons 'Lovestruck'. Safety pin from Notabene. Brads unknown. Panduro velvet selfadhesive ribbon. 3D-tape & squares, & 'mosegummi' ++ other adhesives. QuicKutz RS-0101 leaf. Spellbinder Nestabilities - Curved Rectangles S5006. + A 'clip-on' glass frame!
Utfordringen hos The Sugar Bowl #35. er ei skisse av Marlene. Og temaet var 'gjenbruk'. Ble ikke spesielt fornøyd med dette kortet - rosa og pastell er virkelig ikke min smak.. men småjenta som sikkert får kortet blir nok happy! ;) For the challenge at the Sugar Bowl #35., we're to use the sketch by Marlene, as well as recycle something. In my card I have used leftover paper scraps, a damaged white flower I've cut to make leafs, and the stamp-motif is printed on back of an old watercolor painting I no longer think is any good ;) I've also rotated the sketch, as I thought that it looked better with the motif ;)
Stamps/Image:Sugarnellie & Gorjuss - Sitting. The ticket text stamp is from Kreativ Hobby - Det er din dag idag. (=Congratulations It's your day today). Paper:Bazzill cardstock. Fancy Pants - All Fall paper pad, & Crafty Individuals - Background papers book 1. Embellishments:Flowers from Prima & Kort & Godt. The pink bling I got as a gift sometime. Spellbinder Nestabilities - Petite Scalloped Circle Large S4115. Cuttlebug A2 Embossing - script texture.
WOJ's utfordring #78. er en super skisse. Følte for å lage et julekort i dag, selv om det er 17. mai! ;) Hadde dette søte stempeltrykket ferdigmalt, og det er jo aldri for tidlig å begynne med julekortene! *hehe* We're having a beautiful summer day on the 17th of May - Norways national holiday. Whiff Of Joy's Challenge #78. is this time to use this great sketch by Jane! And I had this stamp motif already colored, so I thought I'd get a headstart on the christmas cards ;)
Stamps/Image:Whiff Of Joy 'Charlotte decorating Christmas tree' by Alison Acton. Paper:Bazzill cardstock. Fancy Pants - happy holidays 8x8 paper pad. Embellishments:Prima hydrangea. QK RS-0101 leaf. MM brads. Spellbinder Nestabilities - Petite Ovals Large. Handwritten text = Christmas hugs.
Til Sukkersött Utfordring #83 - gratulasjonskort. Mitt enkle kort kan sikkert være til flere anledninger, konfirmasjon, bryllup, bursdag? :) The challenge at the norwegian blog Sukkersött #83. was to make a congratulatory card! :) Stamps/Image:A diecut 'glansbilde' (best translation 'glossy photo' Can anyone provide a better one?). hÄnglar & stÄnglar - høsten 08 (stamp kit), Kort & Godt - Gratulerer med dagen. (=Gratulations). Paper:My Minds Eye - Boulevard 'Family Ties', and some pinkish scrap-paper.Embellishments:Paper-ribbon is from Scrappers Choice. Brads & Flowers unknown.
Helt utrolig... for et fantastisk hell!!! Jeg ♥ELSKER♥ Dr.Who, så jeg tenkte 'hvorfor ikke' da Programbladet hadde en konkurranse der man skulle skrive hvem som spiller Dr.Who.. Det var jo selvfølgelig et feil stilt spørmål - for det er ikke bare èn Dr.Who! Så jeg skrev (siden premien var den nye Dr.Who serien Sesong 1-4!), om de mente den 9'ende doktoren - Christopher Eccleston, den 10'ende - David Tennant ♥ min favoritt!, eller han som spiller Dr.Who akkurat nå - doktor nr.11 - Matt Smith... Jeg lurer veldig på om jeg vant fordi de skjønte at jeg er en ekte fan *lol* Hm.. eller kansje det var fordi konvolutten jeg sendte inn hadde en søt liten flodhest på? ;) It's absolutely bloody FANTASTIC!!! I got this amazing box-set in the mail some days ago, & I WON it! I love Dr.Who, so when the TV-guide I subscribe to - Programbladet, had a contest with the question: Who plays Dr. Who? I just had to answer it :) I ofcourse thought the question was too narrow - because there been loads of doctors.. But there's three in the new series - wich was the prize! №9. Christopher Eccleston. №10. David Tennant ♥ My Fave! And the newest dr. №11. Matt Smith, from series 5. Don't know why I won though - just luck, pity the fan, or 'cause of the cute hippo on the envelope *lol* The wallpaper below is dr.who - David Tennant with his companion Rose - Billie Piper :)
Denne ukens utfordring fra en 'ny' blogg jeg fant, Quirky Crafts #27. Brev/Post tema. Har lagd et veldig enkelt kort, trenger ikke så mye pynt med så lekre papir! :) I just 'found' this blog Quirky Crafts, and the latest Challenge there is #27. Postal Themed. So I'm having a go! :) Stamps/Image:Bomshell Stamps 'Bombshell Angel'. NorthStarStamps txt 'God sommer'(=Good Summer). Paper:Bazzill. Basic grey - Stella Ruby 'Tea with Jane'. Daisy D's - attic heirlooms coll. 'Heirloom Tags'. + some unknown scrap paper. Embellishments:I think the brad is from Panduro Hobby? Spellbinder Nestabilities - Labels 4 die - S4190.