Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Minds Eye ~ Desk-Organizer & Tin

Friends er en av mine favoritt tv-serier, og jeg har alle på video/dvd :) Men har ikke lengre plass i hylla til boksene de kom i! Først skulle de brennes i peisen.. men så kom jeg på en flott idé! ... Ja det hender av og til *hehe* Jeg trengte noe å ha stempeltrykk som er ferdigmalte oppi, slik at de er lett tilgjengelige på arbeidsbordet mitt. Og så ble det en boks i samme stil, for å ha penner og slikt oppi!
Some of my Friends dvd's came in boxes, wich I now have no room for on my shelves - and they almost became wood for the fire.. But then came a bright idea - as almost rarely happens... *lol* To make a desk organizer to store my painted stamp-motifs in, easy to access on my desk. And a tin to have my pens and whatnots in the same style as well :)

The challenge at Arty Girlz this time around is #66 - Home Art. To make a project that can be displayed in your home. This would do I think, as it's not only useful but pretty to look at :)

I used strong double(?)glued tape to attatch the boxes together. Then I painted the tops with Li'l Davis 'Creamsicle' Scrapbook Shades. I next cut some orange n yellow cardstock and fitted to the insides of the boxes. Again with tape. I used decoupage finish on the edges to make it smooth and sealed. Also, to apply Cat's Eye Chalk on the edges I needed to first apply decoupage, or it would have come off the otherwise smooth glossy surface. I fitted some nice patterned paper to the boxes, the front I had some trouble with to fit into the cuttlebug! But it pushed through. I needed a lovely frame to add a stamp-motif on the back, peeking out :)
I also roughed up the edges with sandpaper when the decoupage coat was dry - wich only takes 10-15 minutes.
and this is the back of the finished desk-organizer-box :)When I was done, I had some leftover papers, and made this - my mum brought me this tin. And it looks lovely next to the box on my table!
Stamps/Image: Penny Black - Pink toes.
Paper: Misc cardstock. My Mind's Eye - Bohemia 'Barefoot Beautiful Butterfly/Brown', MME - Kaleidoscope 'Friends Dots/Blue Paper', and MME - Magnolia 'Sundance Celebrate Flowers/Lime.
Embellishments: Adornit ribbon, and the looped one I'm not sure of. I've used the Cuttlebug and cut out the frame with the Spellbinder Nestabilities scalloped ovals.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

Ha ei fin romjul og et riktig godt nytt år alle sammen!!!

De siste julekortene for i år... tror jeg ;) Kan jo hende det blir laget noen til med restepapirene! Ble veldig fornøyd med disse, er så glad i Penny Black pinnsvinene mine - så søte! :)These are the last christmas cards this year - I think! There's lots of scrap paper leftover ;)
A joyful christmas and a happy New year to all who stop by my blog :)

I think the last card fits for the challenge at ABC challenges! Lots of underneath going on, layers upon layers: We want you to interpret underneath however you choose, it can be images/objects underneath things, or images hidden underneath tags etc. Let your imagination go wild.

Stamps/Image: The hedgehogs are from Penny Black clearstamp sets - Christmas Critters, & Critter Party. The boy 'Jubelgutt' is from Toves Design Stempler. The 'birdie' is from Scrapmagasinet - Valentine Clearstamps. Christmas text stamps is from 'Julehilsner' by Ksenia Sazonova. Except the 'God Jul' text, a Panduro Hobby stamp.
Paper: The brown papertag is from 3ndypapir 'Vinter merkelapper'. Misc Bazzill cardstock and scrap paper. Basic Grey - Blitzen 'Jack Frost', BG - Perhaps 'Elsa', BG - Skate Shoppe 'grind'. And 'Christmas snowflakes glitter paper' from K&C.
Embellishments: Prima flowers, mm and wassail brads, and misc. ribbons, and I've used the Cuttlebug and embossed with the 'Snowflakes' folder.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

More christmas Cards!

Enda flere julekort :) CuteCard Thursday's siste challenge er en helt åpen theme #41. Så begge disse passer ;) Det nederste kortet lagde jeg til fadderbarnet mitt i Israel, (SOS-barnebyer) så det fikk en litt mer 'barnslig' touch!
CuteCard Thursday's Challenge #41. is an open theme - anything goes. So either one of theese then :)

The card below I've made for Daniel, a child in Israel that I sponsor through SOS Children's Villages.

Stamps/Image: Top card has a Rachelle A. Miller stamp - Simon & Lola. The snowman on the red card I've cut out from a Panduro sheet - Tilda Papercraft collection.
Paper: Bazzill, Basic Grey - Perhaps 'Kisa', 'Christmas snowflakes glitter paper' from K&C. And Paper Pizazz 'Ivory Sprigs'.
Embellishments: The star and xmas tree beltloops are from the new QuicKutz - Deck the Halls CookieCutter Exclusive Set. The heart is also from QK.

Brente fingre & Jubelgutt-Card!

Au au! Brant meg da jeg tok ut ostesmørbrødene fra ovnen i går! holdt hånden under kaldvann i en halvtime etterpå og satt lenge med en kald klut, men det blir to store blemmer fordet :( Surt at det var på venstre tommel og pekefinger - og akkurat på der jeg trenger dem for å rulle røyk og lage kort!!! *lol* ;) Det går jo på ett vis, men litt knøvlete og dobbelt så lang tid... men pussig nok er det akkurat nå jeg er i siget! Lagd flere kort og har andre prosjekter på lur :)

Her er ett kort til denne ukens challenge på Cupcake Craft bloggen: Inspirasjon fra hjemmet - og jeg valgte da skjerfene mine - herlige fargerike skjerf :) Favoritten er et rødt, brunt og oransje skjerf jeg kjøpte i Tromsø for noen år siden.

Ouch! Burnt my left thumb and the one next to it (indexfinger?!) yesterday. But the cards keep coming anyway, even if it takes a bit longer - can't bend the long finger yet - so it gets a bit messier too :)

This weeks challenge at Cupcake Craft Ch., is 'Inspiration From Home'. Find anything in your home and be inspired by it. The colours, the design anything... And I've been inspired by all my scarfs! Colors is the key! Wearing a black jacket as I do, I can add color with my lovely warm colourful n cosy scarfs :)

Stamps/Image: The boy 'Jubelgutt' is from Toves Design Stempler. And 'birdie' from Scrapmagasinet - Valentine Clearstamps. Christmas text stamp is from 'Julehilsner' by Ksenia Sazonova. The calender is All Kinds of Happy - Snag'em Stamps Calendar.
Paper: Bazzill cardstock, BG - Perhaps 'Kisa', giftwrapping paper (the red one)
Embellishments: QK heart, MM brads.

Super Blogcandy at Creating with Crissy! A big decorated tin filled with a lot of goodies! WOW, sure would love to get this one! *sigh* so many entries... Crossing my fingers! :) This closes December 26. So go see what you must do to enter :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lots n' lots of Christmas Cards!

Har kost meg med å lage julekort den siste uken, det øverste kortet er min kjære mamma og hennes bror da de var små :) De andre kortene er bestillingskort! Kjempemoro var det å lage! :)

I've made loads of christmascards this week, and some were ordered! That's a first for me, to make so many cards for someone else, and it was very fun to get such positive feedback! None of the recipiants know me (I think!) so it's ok to blog them :)

The top card has a photo of my mum and my uncle - such sweethearts!

There is too many cards to get into what kind of materials have been used on wich card, so here's all in one.. Ask if any questions :)

Stamps/Image: 'birdie' and 'flying heart' Scrapmagasinet - Valentine Clearstamps, and the tag is also a stamp from Scrapmagasinet. The knitted heart is from Magnolia I think. The christmas ornament stamp is Lazar StudioWERX Inc - Funky Holidays. Christmas text stamps are from 'Julehilsner' by Ksenia Sazonova.
Paper: Misc Bazzill cardstock. The papertags are from 3ndypapir 'Vinter merkelapper'. Paper Pizazz 'Ivory Sprigs', Basic Grey - Wassail 'snow storm' and 'merry happy', BG - Blitzen 'Jack Frost', BG - Perhaps 'Kisa', BG - Dasher 'Yule Log'. And 'Christmas snowflakes glitter paper' from K&C.
Embellishments: Prima flowers, MM and BG brads, Lots of cornerpunches.. QK and other various diecuts, and I've used the cuttlebug snowflakes embossingfolder on the blue card. Cat's Eye inkpads and sandpaper has been used a lot - love the vintage feeling!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Scrapping the Music - på norsk!

Scrapping the Music - på norsk!!! En ny utfordrings blogg som hver 14 dag skal legge ut en sang/video som man skal scrappe. Høres kjempegøy ut! Ikke ofte jeg lager LO'er for tiden, går det mest i kort - men kommer den rette sangen for meg så! :) De har en blogcandy / RAK akkurat nå - frist 3 januar 2009.
Har lagd masser av julekort de siste dagene, skal legge inn noen her imorgen, akkurat nå er det leggetid... :)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Under the Blanket...

Jeg har funnet et nytt forum - RubberstampsChat.net, et lite men koselig forum :) En ny venn derfra, Jeanette, har blogget om meg! H20 Creations - så moro!

BlogCandy: Vibeke har hatt masser av besøk i bloggen sin, Scrapping og Skrytebilder, og feirer med bloggcandy!!! (Frist: 16 desember) Og det er en overraskelse hva man kan vinne! Kjempegøy :)

Her er et nytt kort - i herlig grønt denne gang! Jeg har blitt veldig glad i stemplene fra Rachelle Anne Miller. Hun er en fantastisk kunstner! Illustrasjonene hennes er det mange av, og alle er så nydelige at jeg skulle ønske at de ble til stempler alle sammen!!! :)

I just love Rachelle Anne Miller's stamps! She makes faboulous illustrations - and I wish all were made available as stamps soon. Maybe in the future!!! :)
Stamps/Image: Ladybug and friends ~ Rachelle Anne Miller stamp 'Under the blanket'.
Paper: Bazzill, and Making Memories - Noteworthy journaling.
Embellishments: The ribbon is from American Crafts. The flower is from Prima - Painterly Petals 'Dude'. MM brad. I've used Ranger Tim Holtz distress embossing powder on the edges of the stamp-motif, wich is painted with aquarelle paint - H2O and Distress Ink. And (as always) I like distressing the paper a bit with ink as well :)

Wheee! Someone has blogged about me! Such fun! Where? On H20 Creations, a lovely blog by my new friend Jeanette from USA.
We met on
RubberstampsChat.net, an online forum I've recently joined. Lots of nice people to talk hobby with :)
More BlogCandy!!! Claire at Crafty C's Crafting Liberary, has had loads of hits on her blog, and celebrates with a superbig stamps & scrappingcandy giveaway! (Ends 14th of Dec.)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Nye stempler - Pollycraft Stamps!!! :)

Endelig kom de i posten - Winter elves stamps from Pollycraft! Fant nylig disse på en blogg, og 'måtte' bare ha dem med en gang :) Så skjønne stempler er det lenge siden jeg har sett - gleder meg til å ta dem i bruk... vente veldig utålmodig nå på meire blekk til stempelputa mi ;)
Det kommer enda flere nydelige stempler fra den kanten - Woodland Elves - som jeg selvfølgelig også MÅ ha noen av *lol* Sjekk blogcandyen under!

I've recently gotten theese gorgeous Winter elves stamps from Pollycraft in the mail - absolutely adore them!

And now I see on the Pollycrafts Blog, that there are new stamps coming - the woodland fairies! I SO got to get my hands on some of those cuties :) So can you! There's a blogcandy right now, (ends 10th of December) with a beautiful hand made, Old Woodland Elves Fairytale Book..... containing all 9 stamps!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

...And everything nice!

Dette stempeltrykket har faktisk moren min malt! Hadde jo med meg masser av trykk og ett utvalg distress ink og akvarellmaling med meg til Gran Canaria, og vi koste oss ordntlig med dem, inne i skyggen - mens alle andre lå og stekte seg i sola ;)
Ble en litt 'vintage feeling' på dette kortet - disse wild asparagus mønsterarkene er så nydelige!
Og challengen hos Cupcake Craft var Challenge 16 - Vintage. Kortet er laget etter denne flotte skissen til MichelleO.

The challenge at Cupcake Craft #16 is 'Vintage'. I really love the old-looking papers from MME Wild Asparagus, and I'm much more into earth-tones than pink & baby-blues... *lol* :) I've used this great sketch by MichelleO.

Stamps/Image: Stampin' Up! stamp from the set 'And everything nice'. And Bella Flora mini set.
Paper: My Minds Eye - Wild Asparagus "Dad" paisley/brown paper, and bazzill.
Embellishments: The paper-ribbon is from Daisy Bucket 'Vineyard'. And I've also used Spellbinder Nestabilities on the image.

BlogCandy Alert! Check out Crafting Joannes lovely blogcandy (ends 3rd dec.), then hop to Emma's Blog for more fab blog candy (ends 8th dec.), Crafty C's Crafting Library is celebrating with blogcandy too (ends the 14th of Dec.)
And every day from the 1st dec. till xmas - there's a daily blogcandy at
Elzybells Advent Calendar as well as Katharinas Whiff of Joy Stamps Advent Calander for the chance to win some great candy!
Ila has two lots of fantastic candy up for grabs, celebrating 100.000 hits on her blog! go to
Artfully Ila to enter (ends 3rd dec.)

And the fabolous Bev at All the things I love is offering up some great pink candy (ending on 4th December).. Do not miss out on theese!!! Go see what you must do to win some candy :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Polkadot Housemouse card!

House Mouse kort med en av mine favoritt mus, Muzzy! Et sommerlig 'dotty' kort, for de som savner varmen :) Dette passer til den siste House Mouse Monday Challengen "Dotty Creations"
This is for the House Mouse Monday Challenge. I love my HM stamps, so cute :)

Stamps/Image: 'Keeping Cool' house mouse. And the text 'kosemose klem' is from Toves Design.
Paper: Bazzill, DCWV - Nana's Nursery papers Baby Boy, Basic Grey - Skateshoppe coll 'Grind'. And the background of the text stamp is aquarelle paper painted with gorgeous H2O, it shines but doesn't show in the photo :)
Embellishments: The ribbon is from Basic Grey 'Hang 10' fibers. Prima flowers, and MM brads & eyelets.